It's been one of those times when life got in the way of crafting. I had some orders for Christmas cards but apart from that there was very little in the way of work and as a result very little in the way of stash cash :o(
I had a bit of a health issue in the autumn when I found a lump in my breast but luckily I was referred to the Primrose Unit very quickly and was VERY relieved to find that the lump was not sinister. It has been and gone and come back again but at least I know it's nothing to worry about. I've also had my usual bout of S.A.D. this winter and I have to say it seems to be getting worse ...... I used to be able to shake it off with a bit of Christmas hype but this year even that didn't work and I spent part of Christmas Day in tears. Hopefully now that January has been replaced by February and the snow that seemed to close Cornwall for half of January is behind us (tho further North still seems to be suffering from the big freeze) I can start to pick up again.
I have been keeping busy with plenty of woolcraft while I've been AWOL tho, friends and family almost ALL got hand knitted or crochetted gifts from us for Christmas - scarves, hats, jumpers, shrugs ...... stand still long enough and I'll knit something to cover you up!
Most recently tho I have actually made something for MYSELF!

I got the pattern from a knitting magazine from last year but it is also available in the Rowan booklet 46. I've never tried cable knitting before so I was really pleased with the result.
1 comment:
Welcome back hunni!!!!
Sorry to hear about your health problems but I am so glad you are on the mend.
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